Migatronic Sigma Core 550A Separate Mig & 4m Torch, 3m Earth Cable (Watercooled)

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This is actually hardCore.
This will certainly make you feel hard core. It is solid, reliable and absolutely outstanding. It will be everything skilled welders ask for. Grab the wire feed unit and move away form the power source. Keep productivity level at a maximum with water cooled torches and be completely absorbed in the work.

High amps. High simplicity.
Sigma Core is a simple welding machine with the core functions you need to weld – also at high amps. It is ideal for welders who demand simplicity in advanced welding. Use it for welding steel structures, prefabrication and thick plates in mild steel, stainless steel and aluminium.

Uncomplicated and effortless

In Sigma Core, you get the most necessary options you need to produce great welds. No complicated software or unnecessary gadgets. Any welder, no matter the level of experience, will have no trouble adjusting the Sigma Core and start welding right away.

Minimising the technology gap

Sigma Core minimises the gap between earlier generation welding machines and modern day welding technology. It does so by offering an improved arc, which again improves weld quality. It is a more energy efficient solution that consumes less power and gas for an optimised production. Add the optional function Intelligent Gas Control to your Sigma Core and reduce your gas consumption even further.

Great welding performance

The high duty cycle enables you to weld for many hours without any decrease of currents or compromising weld quality. A team of welders can keep productivity level at an absolute maximum.

A cost-effective solution

Great welding performance and modern day welding technology ought to be accessible for all kinds of welding productions. Large and small. High-tech or not. It calls for a cost-effective solution. This is it.

Graphic Control Panel
The graphic control panel is intuitive to navigate and easy to use for both welders and supervisors. It will contribute to making your daily working procedures efficient.

Visually compelling

This graphic control panel is designed to be easy to understand for all users. Users with limited experience with digital welding machine displays will quickly grasp this simple design. It is easy to find and adjust the core welding settings: amps, voltage and wire feed speed. It is great if you want well-known settings presented in a simple, yet visually compelling way.

Update via SD-card

When you want to update your welding machine, it is carried out as a software update via SD-card. You can update your machine throughout its entire service life.

Lock specific settings

Use a lock card to lock the control panel in two levels. Lock specific settings to make sure that no one makes unecessary or wrong adjustments. It ensures that you use the same settings for recurring welds. The lock card is an optional feature.

Extend the warranty on your Sigma Core
You can be sure of high-quality products when you buy Migatronic. In addition to the warranty period of 2 years for new welding machines, you can extend the warranty up to 5 years.

To maintain the extended warranty, a yearly service check is required.

Register your newly purchased Sigma Core on migatronic.com/warranty no later than 30 days from the date of purchase. Then you get up to 5 years warranty on selected components.

Plug Supplied

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Plug Fitted / Test by Complete




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